Nov 20, 2013

Natural beauty in Cancun, Mexico. What to visit

Hi in this occasion I want to talk a little bit about the natural beauty of the Riviera Maya, is one of the places in Mexico with the most diverse ecosystems, one of them are the coral reefs , often called "rainforests of the sea". Coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. They occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean surface, about half the area of France, yet they provide a home for 25% of all marine species. Mesoamerican Reef extend from the north of Yucatan Peninsula to the Bay Islands of Honduras. It is the second longest barrier reef of the world and is home to over 350 species of mollusk and 500 species of fish, including the whale shark (the largest fish in the world), is only follow in size by the Big Reef of Australia.
Here are some recommendations for protecting the area while you are visiting: 

-Never touch any corals they are extremely fragil, and on occasion some of them can make rush in the skin.
-Respect all marine life, sometimes people tries to touch the turtles or stingrays , we understand they are amazingly beautiful but we can scare them, and of course any one of us wouldn't like to be touched everytime by some stranger.
-Corals are sensitive to sunblock and creams, so try to wear only biodegradable sunscreen, or  a t shirt 
-Wear small fins if you are snorkeling, you only need the big ones if you are an experimented diver, that reduce the risk of accidentally destroying the area.
-Dont take anything from the sea like a souvenir (shell, coral etc..)
Next time I will talk about another great beauty of the zone the Cenotes here you can see some pictures that we took of an underwater photo session .

I leave you with a 4 min video made by Kip Evans where you can catch a glimpse of the exquisiteness of the reef. Have fun!!

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